Posted on 5/22/2015

At Ken’s we understand that second only to your home, your vehicle(s) are your biggest annual expenditure.* We also know how it feels to be driving down the road and experience something wrong with your vehicle that you weren’t expecting. That sudden knot in your stomach, wondering if your transportation is going to get you were you need to go or break down and leave you stranded. We know because we have traveled that road, felt that anxiety and didn’t like being at someone’s mercy for help. Our interest in Automobiles began from those feelings of not wanting to be controlled by things we didn’t understand or people that knew more about our cars than we did. You have probably felt that way too, when a mechanic tells you something that just doesn’t make sense. When they tell you this has been going on for quite a while and has caused some serious problems. But you’re thinking “Wait just a minute. This only started happening yesterday&rdqu ... read more